Thursday, July 17, 2014

Spinach Burgers and Tragedy

I think we've all been there. You're scrolling through days worth of missed content on pinterest or you're on the random setting of stumbleupon when IT appears in front of you. A dish that looks so mouthwatering (possibly because at some point during your crazed scrolling you forgot to be human and eat) that you decide right then and there you are going to make that dish. You carefully pin it with the perfect description in your "Foodie" section and then you decide it's time you actually get up and find something nice to munch on before you settle right back into the same routine where you will, inevitably, find another recipe that you just HAVE to try...and then never do.

I know I can't be alone in this. I am constantly finding yummy things that I swear I'm going to make, despite the fact that I loath cooking, unless of course it involves putting myself into a nice sugar coma. I'll say anything to get my partner to take over cooking for me for the night. On occasion, however, I remember one of those I've just GOTTA recipes I pinned and I will immediately run to the store, buy all the ingredients, and forget, temporarily, the fact that I hate the kitchen.

One of these recipes was the Spinach Burgers. I decided I was going to make a nice meal for my boyfriend, the first meal I'd actually cook for him, and I was stoked. I spent about 30  minutes making everything perfect, sat down to practice some music while they cooled, grabbed my boyfriend to have dinner and ran back to the kitchen to find and empty plate and a more than satiated puppy licking his chops. How he managed to wolf down the entire plate of 10 in the brief moment it took me to grab my boyfriend I have no idea. I was pretty upset then. Now I'm just kind of impressed. Needless to say, the incident kept me from wanting to make those burgers for quite some time. I was so heartbroken that I couldn't make this meal. It was also the only food we had in our house so the dog basically got, 5 meals, his dinner, our dinners respectively, and our lunches for work the next day. Oi!

Anyway, this past week I finally put my broken heart and hope back together and made these burgers, watched the dog the entire time I was cooking and prepping, and finally enjoyed one of the tastiest things I think I've ever cooked.

I refound the recipe on and am soooo grateful for it. We are going to try it next time without the cheese and see how we like it. :)

I'm not going to leave the recipe here, the village cook makes it simple enough but I'll share some photos of the process.
This stuff is pure heaven

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